Chairman – Kelvin Allen [email protected]
Kelvin is a retired BT manager with a career spanning 32 years. Kelvin has fished the fens since the age of 8. He became the Angling Trust regional chairman in 2011 and sits on many regional and area environmental committees. He was appointed as a member of the Broads Authority in 2012 and has been engaged as a member of the Navigation Committee, Upper Thurne Working Group and most recently the Local Access Forum. He was founder member of the original BASG. (Click image to view his blog)

Director – Martyn Page [email protected]
Martyn has been fishing the Norfolk Broads for nearly 50 years and is a well-known angler, within the UK and indeed internationally, He is an angling author and been involved over the years in a number of committees and clubs working for the improvement of fisheries, education and promotion of angling. Martyn is also co-founder and Executive Chairman of Angling Direct Plc and is instrumental on how the company supports grass root initiatives such as “Fishing for Schools”, disabled anglers, coaching and, of course the Broads Angling Services group.

Director – Tim Colman [email protected]
Tim is our resident IT geek and director of Posterity IT a Norwich based IT company. His previous career in Merchant and Investment Banking brings a wide range of knowledge and business skills.He joined BASG back in 2014 and spent two years as its secretary. He joined the BASG board as a director in July 2020.

Director – Simon Salter [email protected]
Simon joined BASG as a volunteer at it’s formation in 2018, His home is near Chester, but he has a holiday chalet on the river at Brundall, where he spends lots of time fishing. His background in IT has led him own several companies over the years engaged in measuring and monitoring solutions. He is actively engaged with BASG on building a monitoring network for Salinity, with a proof of concept starting in 2023. He became a Director in 2022.
Duncan Holmes
Duncan is an Analytical Chemist and Engineer, for many years specialising in environmental and water quality analysis. He is now a Director of a Norfolk based modular building company that provides innovative solutions to the building sector. He has previously sat two terms as a NACA committee member and became a BASG member in 2014. A lifelong Broads angler, living just a stone’s throw from one of the tidal Broads Rivers, Duncan is beside or on the water nearly every day. A previous Director of BASG, Duncan stepped back from Broads activities in Sept 2023..
Andy Hindes
Andy is a Fishery Biologist and Principal Scientist of Fishtrack. A former EA Scientist he has held positions: Regional lead for hydroacoustics, member National Acoustics Group, Chair of Regional Science Symposium, National fish Tagging Advisory Group, worked on salmonids and coarse fish at Regional and National level. Currently he is vice chair Fish Specialist Section IFM, Fisheries Advisor River Waveney Trust, Diploma Manager IFM and Advisor for biomanipulation and telemetry projects. He holds Chartered status and is a recognised leading practitioner of fish telemetry. A previous Director of BASG, Andy is now our technical advisor.
Steve Lane
Steve has been the lead Broads fisheries specialist within the Environment Agency between 2006 – 2020. His knowledge of the Broads fishery is a fantastic asset along with his passion for angling and fisheries.
Tony Gibbons
Tony is the respected broads match expert and chairman of Norwich and District angling association. His knowledge of the broads in terms of a fishery is second to none.
Allan Kirby
Allan is a retired project manager from the offshore oil industry. He has fished and navigated the Broads since his youth.
Nick Cheeseman
Nick is an ex RAF officer with a strong background in security and administration. He has recently taken on the family farming business to the south of Norwich.
Andy Feetham
Andy works in IT and enjoys his family boat based in Stalham.
David Todd
David comes from a Pharmacist background and level I angling coach. He is also the membership Secretary of NDPC.
Tim Ellis
Tim is the membership Secretary of the Wensum Angling Conservation Association and has a passion for restoring the river back to its former glory.
Colin Howlett
Colin is an officer for Lying and District anglers based on the River Wensum.
Martin Burgess
Martin has been a long time supporter of the former NACA and is currently the secretary of WACA. He became a member of BASG in 2021.
Richard Miles
Richard is a retired senior police officer and has bad boats on the Broads for over 30 years and currently has a fishing boat moored at Wayford Bridge. He has fished since I was seven.