Wensum December 2021 Communications Briefing

The following email was sent to the 84 subscribers following the Wensum on the 17th Dec 2021. Dear xxx Wensum December 2021 Communications 2021 has seen some great movements in the development of the Wensum Catchment Partnership: A number of significant projects are being delivered within the Wensum Catchment Partnership including: Upper Wensum Cluster Farm…

Prymnesium PhD Published

Ben Wagstaff published his scientific paper in Dec 2021, which presented results and provided insights for better informed and improved management and mitigation strategies of harmful Prymnesium parvum algal blooms in eutrophic waters worldwide. His work assessing the Toxicity and Mitigating the Impact of Harmful Prymnesium Blooms in Eutrophic Waters of the Norfolk Broads. The document…

Hoveton a way forward

Chairman’s Chat Nov-2021 We have finally reached a position with the Hoveton saga, following a legal exchange between the respective groups. We have concluded that our legal challenge is no longer needed, as in the agency’s own words, the fish do have enforceable protection within the permit conditions, if it’s then proved the barriers do…

Permit Issued by the Agency for the implementation of Fish Barriers

      Yesterdayy, the agency gave notice of their final public consultation using the Environmental Permitting Process. They couldn’t even get that right!  https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/east-anglia-c-e/hoveton-great-broad-minded-to/ Whilst we and the Broads Angling community are staggered with the Agency’s recommendations. Their action has damaged an effective partnership that has been built over recent years and will destroy…

BASG Response to Hoveton Permit EPR/RB3557SW

      This is our response and objections with the permitting of Hoveton Great Broad Fish Barriers, following the “minded to” consultation issued by the agency in August. https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/east-anglia-c-e/hoveton-great-broad-minded-to/ Following last year’s successful challenge of the EA’s decision to grant Natural England a FRAP permit dated 23 July 2020 for the same three barriers the…

Bloody Minded To

Well so much for the media, an article by Rachel Salvidge from the ENDS team on the future of the Natural England HGB project. See  Article Last week we finally got to see the actual outcome from the EA management on the issue in a 322 page report. This now goes through another “minded to”…

Summer Pike and Illegal Trolling

Over recent weeks there has been an increasing number of issues with the trolling of lures from motor boats within the Broads. This raises several issues, firstly its illegal within the Broads and subject to a Broad Bye-Law enforceable by the Authority rangers. Secondly the use of any Lure or treble hooks needs to consider…