September Update from Kelvin
Not such good news in the past few weeks, with many of the Broads issues previously highlighted coming to a head. Our attempt to fund a new approach in Broads Environment management under the “Broads Guardian” banner didn’t gain initial approval, but even if it had received a positive response, our request to help build a business plan again fell on seemingly deaf ears within the Broads community.
What does this mean for BASG
Where does this leave BASG in its attempt to sustain the Broads. I have stated many times that we are close to reaching the end of the journey with Broads anglers and we need a new wider approach, beyond the world of anglers. The response to the request to build a business plan to progress this sustainability only endorses that feeling. The Broads is full of folks with large egos, but not really able to come together for the greater good.
The ambition for the Broads Society with Duncan leading the arrangement of a significant conference at the UEA on the 25th November focussing on sustaining the Broads Freshwater Ecology, was a direct outcome of our campaign following the salinity event of last September. However even that has failed to consolidate people around a single threat to the Broads and as a result Duncan felt this was the final straw and he has resigned from both the Broads Society and BASG as a Director. As a result, the Broads Society took the difficult decision to postpone the conference.
The BASG Directors have since reviewed what this now means on any meaningful ability to meet and deliver its objectives. Currently the decision is to look at removing all its liabilities in the coming weeks and then put to its members options on closing the company. As no meaningful way forward can be seen, let alone find somebody with the enthusiasm to lead it.
There is a positive from all of this however and with just so much activity and enthusiasm being exposed through the Wensum Partnership, it’s a challenge keeping abreast of everything. The latest partnership newsletter will be issued shortly, which covers much of these activities. I will be exploring ways to disconnect BASG from Wensum activities, as part of its liability offload. But personally, I will continue to chair the WCP.
Chair BASG