Well I’ve discussed climate change for far too many times on this blog, but events of recent weeks just show’s how delicate our environment is. We moved from raging temperatures to being immersed in sea water in a matter of weeks, how will our beloved Broads cope with such climatic challenges.
Saline Incursions
Who is responsible for this you may ask, overall we all are, if the blame is laid 100% on climate change alone. But saline incursions aren’t new within the Broads, it’s happened every decade in some form or another. But in September I fair not.
What we must have however is authorities who can react and respond as these environmental events develop and unfold, with clear purpose and ability. We are a long way from securing any solution or mitigation, but surely it must be within our grasp to at least communicate and clear up the mess left behind. What sort of environmental disaster is required for our government agencies to call an incident in the Broads, one has to ask. Given this is all well defined and documented, if not resourced. Do we really want the Broads to be remembered as a stinking smelly swamp full of decaying fish.
It’s amazing however the Broads can still deliver through this events, as despite many thousands of dead fish, this weeks Broads Angling festival featured some fantastic match weights, with anglers from all over Britain attending. Whether this is sustainable only time will tell.
These whole events highlights the need for improved ownership and BASG has attempted through collaboration to engage the authorities on these issues for many years with limited success. It may be time to relook at the structures and governance of the whole environment and with the government seemingly wanting to loosen controls even further, one wonders where we are heading.
We will have more to say on this in the coming days and weeks, as we gather evidence and drive discussion forward.