Broads Angling Services Group CIC – (BASG)
Minutes of a Meeting
Held At The Oaklands Hotel Norwich
On 26th July 2022 from 7pm
- Kelvin Allen
- Duncan Holmes
- Allan Kirby
- Martin Burgess
- Simon Postle
- Tony Gibbons
- Phil Grey
- Graham Gamble
- Louis Bunn
- Kevin Powell
- Andy Hindes
- Martyn Page
- David Todd
Update from June Meeting
DH & TG to arrange a meeting to discuss local club engagement. Ongoing
DH to investigate using the previous Pike DVD as content. Ongoing
Presentation of the actions and aims set out back in February
Presentation of the vision to take BASG forward.
The meeting closed at 21:45
Kelvin Allen Chair BASG 27thJul 2022