Wensum Working Group 2nd March 2020
Minutes and actions from the meeting held 2nd Mar 2020 Wensum Working Group 2nd March Notes and Actions Update-02-Mar-Slides-1 Update-02-Mar-Slides-2
Minutes and actions from the meeting held 2nd Mar 2020 Wensum Working Group 2nd March Notes and Actions Update-02-Mar-Slides-1 Update-02-Mar-Slides-2
A Sub-catchment Partnership meeting was held at Pensthorpe Nature Park on 5 February 2020 looking at Pollution across the catchment. The meeting considered further objectives and outcomes from the previous meeting held in Bawdeswell Full minutes and outcomes are listed below: APEM Wensum sediment tracing report 2010 Pollution Meeting Notes 5th February 2020 20-01 Wensum…
Distributed to Subscribing Volunteers, Members & Directors Since our last update the BASG Board have met with both the Environment Agency and Natural England to discuss the impact of the proposed fish barrier. We are pleased to announce that our concerns have been taken seriously by both organisations and discussions are underway to protect the…
Minutes and Actions from the Meeting Held 2nd Dec 2019 Wensum-Working-Group-2nd-Dec-19-Notes-and-Actons
The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads has been famous for its ability to support a mix of ecology and recreation and take people out into nature for centuries. The tourism honey pot of Wroxham probably reaching the limits on the balance between people and nature. However you don’t have to travel far to find the other…
What is the average winter consumption of cormorants across the Northern Broads and how why is it reliant annual bream recruitment from HGB? We have explained previously the overwhelming evidence and science supporting the role Hoveton Great Broad has in the annual spawning and migration of Bream across the wider Bure Catchment. One of the…
What is the Water Framework Directive and how does it impact HGB? Before we get started you can see the generic information on the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and River Basin Planning via this link. It might provide some useful context if you’re not familiar with the WFD. The DEFRA website also has some useful information here The technical…
Distributed to Subscribing Volunteers, Members & Directors Dear Directors of Broads Angling Services Group Thank you for letter dated 15th November 2019 addressed to myself and Marcus Sibley (Environment Agency), this reply is a joint response from both of us. As you mentioned I did email John Currie, as our agreed BASG point of contact,…
BASG opened discussions on formalising angling at Whitlingham Country Park in the summer of 2018. This instigated a partnership subgroup of the charity trust to scope options to progress the issue forward. However the decision to part company with the Broads Authority has suspended talks while the charitable trust looks at new ways in managing…
Distributed to Subscribing Volunteers, Members & Directors Hoveton Great Broad Restoration Version Final To Broads Stakeholders 18th Nov 2019 Dear Colleagues You may or may not be aware of the major project being undertaking to restore Hoveton Great Broad within the Broads National Park. This is a scheme being managed by Natural England to…