Broads Prymnesium makes national news

Kelvin Allen the BASG Treasurer and Eastern Region chairman of AT has made the news headlines this week, in calling for some concerted action to manage and protect the Broads National Park from Prrymnesium algae.Over the last 3 weeks the Environment Agency have rescued over 500,000 fish from the Upper Thurne area including Hickling Broad,…

230,000 fish rescued from Hickling Broad

Anglers concerns where justified this week, with a major Prymnesium alagal bloom across Hickling Broad. There has been much discussion in recent weeks about the potential environmental impact from any dredging works planned on Hickling and with the Broad almost inpassable to navigation in places there are many challenges ahead. However thanks to the work lead by…

Boat Angling Safety

The Broads has miles of bank space for anglers, but to enjoy the full potential of this fishing wonderland a boat is an asset. We have various boat hirers and some clubs who on joining can supply boats, so the area is yours to explore. So before you get involved with tactics and rigs spare some…

Countering the threat of Prymnesium in the Broads

An update on scientific research underway at Norwich’s John Innes Centre that should help in the fight against the fish killing algae Prymnesium This news article was shown on ITV. Prof Rob Field from John Innes came and gave a talk on their work at last nights BASG AGM, which went down very well with…

Thurne Water Quality Report

For people interested, this is what is sustaining the healthy fish stocks seen and reported in recent years across the river Thurne, despite many of the measures actually failing and continuing to decline within the Broads themselves. This report describes the state of the waterways and compares them to where we need to be for…