Wensum Survey Report 2019

After some lengthy discussions with the EA we finally have a more detailed fisheries report on the health of the river Wensum and it’s fish stock. Many thanks to Jeff Compton and team for pulling this together. River-Wensum-2019-report-2 Jeff Compton Bsc Msc Environment Monitoring officer (A&R) Fish East Anglia Environment Agency, Dragonfly House, 2 Gilders…

NE Papers on Hoveton Proposals Exposed

After months of trying, via Fish Legal we have being provided the documents that the EA seemingly judged as more relevant than their own fishery experts. These fishery documents come without an author and date of creation. [1] Hoveton Project creating a sustainable future for the Bure system (002) … [2] Annex 1 – Fish…

EA blunders over Hoveton Great Broad Press Release

The Angling Trust and BASG issued a joint press release today following the response from the EA on the pending  Fish Legal legal challenge. The press release is hosted on the AT website accessible on the link below. https://anglingtrust.net/2020/09/09/environment-agency-ignores-its-own-experts-trying-to-protect-vital-fish-spawning-grounds-in-norfolk-broads/ BASG States: It’s unbelievable that the EA Management appear to  ignore the science and its own…

Wensum Invertebrate Monitoring Aug 2020

Wensum Working Group Meeting 4th Aug 2020 Matters Arising – None This was a meeting focused on the ecology invertebrate group looking at establishing a long term monitoring and alert scheme for the River Wensum Attendees David Harper, Geoff Philipps, Dennis Willis, Roger Gibbons & Kelvin Allen The group formed from the Wensum Partnership Workshop…

Northern Broads Track Spring 2018

This is the tracking of bream ID 50645 during the period Feb-May 2018 and migration to its spawning grounds in Hoveton Great Broad and Hudsons Bay.Data  (Provided by Bournemouth University) Sign Our Petition Prevent the destruction of fish spawning sites at Hoveton Great Broad below. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/334111/