Letter to Stakeholders in Response to EA-NE on current HGB

Distributed to Subscribing Volunteers, Members & Directors Hoveton Great Broad Restoration                                                                              Version Final To Broads Stakeholders                                                                                              18th Nov 2019 Dear Colleagues You may or may not be aware of the major project being undertaking to restore Hoveton Great Broad within the Broads National Park. This is a scheme being managed by Natural England to…

Environment Group meeting 17-01-19

Distributed to Subscribing Volunteers, Members & Directors of the Environment Group BASG Environment Group Meeting Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 17th January 2019 7.00pm at Dragonfly House 1.In  Attendance. J Currie  (Chair), D Todd (Secretary), K Allen, S. Roberts, A Carpenter,  P Doggett, N George (Gamekeeper HGB), E Winter (EA/NE), R Sanderson (EA),…

Environment Group Meeting 11-10-18

Distributed to Subscribing Volunteers, Members & Directors of the Environment  Group Sub Group Environment  Sub Group   Location: Date 11/10/18 Attendees: JC, AC, DT, SL, SR, PD   Absent: AK, RA, MS     Item No. Priority Discussion /Agreed Action To be Actioned By Deadline Comment Status 1. Salinity Project, Lots of recent salt incursions…