Hoveton Great Broad Permit Issued

Hoveton Great Broad – Temporary Fish Barriers, EPRNB3494JP: Flood risk activity permit granted. The Agency issued the following press release on Monday the 27th July. Hoveton Great Broad Stakeholder Briefing Jul-20 We are currently reviewing what this means for not only the Broads, but to the wider fisheries management and protection across England. We will…

Chairmans Chat July 2020

Hi Folks I thought I would share my correspondence with the EA area manager following many months of awaiting for a decision on  Hoveton, which is also complied by the agencies seemingly inability to provide fishery survey data since 2016 for the Broads and surrounding area. 10th July 2020 Simon Hawkins East Anglia Area Manager…

Angling Access refocus from BLAF

The Broads Local Access Forum has agreed to address the key issue of angling access as part of it’s wider integrated access strategy. This legally bound BLAF can make recommendations to the full authority, which fully supports the provision of angling across the Broads following a formal review of its constitution. This is a significant…

Rollesby Platforms Transfer Deed

A transfer deed has been drawn up by the Broads Authority solicitors between:   (1) The Broads Angling Services Group (2) Northumbrian Water Ltd. (3) Rollesby Parish Council To enable access and continued use of the platforms This was completed in Spring 2020. The agreement is attached for reference. TransferofFishingPlatformFINALEngrossment  

Prymnesium Update Spring 2020

During the spring of 2015 a large algal bloom of Prymnesium parvum existed within Hickling Broad and the Upper Thurne system. This led to the Environment Agency undertaking one of the UK largest fish rescues of over 700,000 fish which was widely reported in the national media. However, many thousands of fish were lost, including…

Beccles Quay on the Suffolk bank

One of the best venues on the southern broads is on the river Waveney at Beccles Quay on the Suffolk bank. This venue has supported anglers for the past 50 years with little issues with the anglers and boaters working together with both enjoying the river. The moorings were vacated when the piling and quay…